Welcome to the future home of the ABCD E-Book! We will be accepting stories as well as other pieces related to ABCD for the E-Book soon. Right now, we are looking for feedback on the process. Any other pages on this site are under development or posted to provide examples.


To provide an accessible way for people to understand, use and share the ABCD in their settings. Our intention is to write motivate and inspire anyone, anywhere through sharing stories that shows how small things that we do every day can change one’s life circumstances when each one of us recognizes the gifts and talents that we have and how we can sue them effectively to achieve our aspirations. The intention is also to show the power of sharing knowledge, the power of connections or networks.


To maximise technology and co-create a multilingual and widely accessible e-book to share stories, tools, knowledge, and experiences emerging in and from applying ABCD principles in different social, cultural, and thematic contexts across the globe (to showcase and offer multiple options of what it means to ‘do ABCD’).


Submission Information:

  • Submissions types:
    • stories about ABCD community experiences;
    • experiences with critiques and challenges;
    • share an experience on how a tool like asset mapping was used in a community.
  • Submissions formats: text, audio, video, or a visual piece
  • Audience: keep submissions intentionally broad and international (note: If you use terms that may not be familiar to most practitioners, we may ask you to provide a definition).
  • Review process: submissions will be reviewed through the lens of these principles 
  • Who should submit? ABCD “experts” as well as individual community members. We are especially looking for submissions that are not academic and that are community focused by telling the story of that community. 

Submission Process:

This book project is a collaborative and international effort of ABCD practitioners. It will be formatted as a website to allow for accessibility as well as for readers to weave stories together based on common themes of interest. In order to facilitate this collaborative spirit, we have developed this process. If you need assistance with the “how to” of some of these processes, we can connect you with someone to help you. Email us at abcld.ebook@gmail.com

  • Please review the form (the submission link below) and have all of your materials ready before submitting. It will be a tremendous help to the volunteers who are editing and setting up the book and website if everything is sent in all together so we do not have to email you with questions.
  • Original work will be the property of the owner but will not be protected from copying and pasting from the website. The final book will utilize the Creative Commons attribution-non-commercial 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ 


  • All formatting of text will be stripped and rebuilt for a website format. The website will use Arial, 12 pt font. You do not need to adhere to this format in your submission but any intended emphasis (bold, underline) or breaking apart of the story should be clear. Please include subheadings for lengthy pieces and hyperlinks. 
  • If you are submitting a story, you can use this template as a guide, and feel free to write out answers in another document to upload via the Google form. 


  • Before submitting, make sure that all of your materials are accessible. Specifically, all images should have alt text, and all audio/video needs captions (and not those autogenerated by software).
  • Images that you would like to be placed within the piece will need to be sent as jpg or another standard image format not embedded in the document. Each image should be named in relation to the story and placement- ie NameofStory#1, NameofStory#2, etc. Text can indicate where pictures should be placed.
  • Any corresponding images or other media should be submitted in the form separately not within written submissions. Please do not embed in document. 
  • Images need both picture captions and an image description. A picture caption tells you the details you want to know by viewing the picture- what are the names of the people, how do they know each other, what are they participating in. An image description describes the picture if you were not looking at it- what is in the picture- people, things, objects; what are the colors, what is inferred, etc.
  • Images and graphics should be owned by you. Receive permission from those in the images of those in the story and indicate that permission was granted.

Publication and Placement

  • We will accept submissions on an ongoing basis. We have a quarterly timeline process when we will update the website, but you can submit at anytime.
  • Your piece will be placed on the website and will be sent to you for approval. If you submit a written story, we may place other visual images with your story.